Laboratory Test at Urban Resilience Project: RAJUK Part Lab
Urban Resilience Project: RAJUK Part is doing Laboratory Test in the Lab. Some Pictures from the Lab have been Presented here.
SPT Reading Board with Test SampleReading of hydrometer test is being takenWeight of pycnometer is being taken for specific gravity testReading of consolidation test is being takenPlastic limit test is going onReading of hydrometer test is being takenReading of consolidation test is being takenSample is kept for drying in ovenLiquid limit test is going onLiquid limit test is going onShrinkage limit test is going onPlastic limit test is going onUndisturbed sample is being extruded from shelby tubeSample is being preserved in air tight plastic boxSample checking is going on after arrival from fieldLiquid limit and plastic limit tests are going onBusy labBusy labBusy labBusy labBusy labSpecimen preparation for consolidation test is going onConsolidation tests are runningLiquid limit test is going onPreparation for liquid limit and plastic limit test is going onPlastic limit test and sieve analysis are going on